General Hunter Information
Safety is our biggest factor. We have satellite phones and Inreach to make sure if we need help for any unforeseen reason, we have the ability to reach out and get it. Also, we give you the location parameters for you to share with your loved ones incase there is any issues.
It is highly recommended to bring the best quality optics you can afford. No matter the species hunted, Alaska is big country, and you will find yourself behind glass for quite some time. We prefer 10 power binoculars if possible.
Packing for the charter flight it is preferred to use duffel bags without frames. Best to use multiple bags just to try to keep the size and weight around 50 pounds. Multiple bags help with weight distribution and organizing your clothing and gear. We use Super Cubs to fly with usually and the room is limited.
Alcoholic beverages are allowed if desired. Make sure they are packed securely to prevent breakage in transport. Bring whatever you like and as much as you need for celebration.
A gear list will be sent once the hunt is booked. Gear list are species specific and location of the species you are after. Firearm and calibers recommended for each specie on the gear list.

Services included in your hunt while in camp:
- Lodging at camp and spike camps.
- Meals at camp including breakfast, snacks/lunch, and dinner.
- Trophies care ready for taxidermist. If time allows, we like to get the trophy fleshed, salted, and cleaned as best we can in the field. This also helps with the weight of the plane.
- Meat cooled and in preparation ready for processor. This also helps with weight for the plane.
List not included:
- License, tags, additional packer, charter flight into camp.
- Rifle and ammo (can be supplied if requested early).
- Sleeping bag and personal items.
- Trip Insurance.
- Tips for guide, packer, and pilot. Recommended hunt tips – guides 10-20%, packers 5-10%, pilots 10% of charter flight.
- Professional videographer/photographer available upon request.